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How Long Does It Take Baby Guppies to Get Their Full Color

Howdy, last night my female guppy, Sophie, had her fry! The last time I bred guppies were 3-4 years ago, and I was wondering when males start to become their colors, cheers for the help 👍

johnny10 avatar


9 years ago

My guppy besides had fry about two or three weeks agone. 1 of the four fry is starting to get color on its tail. I'd say in a calendar month the start to go their color starting on their tails. Information technology too depends on how they are cared for. If they are in a carve up tank with lots of room and are on a good diet, including brine shrimp, microworms, and fish flakes finely crushed, and so they will abound faster, healthier, and colorful. And keep the tank temp around 80°.Promise this helped and practiced luck raising the young ones!👍

Mollylove avatar


9 years ago

Guppygaga avatar


9 years ago

I have been breeding guppies for almost a year now. What I take learned is that if you have a batch of nearly 30 guppy fry the beginning ones to get colour volition start getting a lilliputian black at around three weeks sometime and at near a calendar month sometime is when the others are soon to follow. They will become well-nigh all of their color at iii months old.

Between a calendar month old they tend to get their collors in a certain order. Kickoff will be blackness equally I said earlier but the other colors will come up in most likely equally follows.


PS In general the color white comes in somewhere around orange. Unfortunately though I do not have the experience to tell y'all when the color pink would come in. It is after all the hardest of all the colors for guppy breeders to proceed in the blood line.

Mollylove avatar


ix years agone

Wow thanksmy fry are getting bigger past the twenty-four hours and some seem to get some black tint 😄I can't wait!



nine years ago

I've heard anywhere from one-3 months, merely for some reason mine (4 months) are only starting to get it in places other than tail. I idea I had all female person, only I might accept some males. The ones I'm 100% sure are females have scarlet tails, but the males (?) are starting to go ruby-red dots near heads.... And so... Yeah 😊

mr.platy avatar


9 years ago

about two weeks from my observations of thembat school well my teachers fish are guppy/molly hybrids



nine years ago

what if they are in a big tank with other fish.
i feed my fish blood worms but my fry were born 5 days ago so they deceit consume them yet. but iv now i feed them simply crushed fish food.besides the fish in my tank dont bother my fry even when they are out in the open.and then will my fry grow fast enough to be salubrious



9 years ago

male fry should get their color in about a month. it also depends on the frys diet. if you feed them alkali worm and crushed fish flakes the will grow faster but only fish food crushed volition practice.

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6 years ago

😭 Virtually if not all including the parents volition eat there babies. Professional breeders use a breeding box or seperate tanks to keep the babies in. The best part well-nigh a seperate tank is you tin can continue SHRIMPS in there with the fry. 😁 i honey them. I ever accept a hard time keeping the adults (STORE BOUGHT) alive past there get-go bathroom of fry, because of age, merely the fry alive and go on to breed another day FOR FUTURE THOUGH as you may discover out. females do tend to die after birth, its pretty common, at that place isnt anything that can be done about this specially.

HOPEFULLY we can one mean solar day brood a guppy so perfect it'southward lifespan with be unstopable 😊

nyleve avatar


half dozen years ago

Fishtastics wrote:

:cry: About if not all including the parents volition consume there babies. Professional person breeders employ a breeding box or seperate tanks to go on the babies in. The all-time part about a seperate tank is you tin can keep SHRIMPS in in that location with the fry. :woohoo: i dear them. I ever have a hard time keeping the adults (Store BOUGHT) alive past there first bath of fry, because of age, only the fry live and go on to breed another day FOR FUTURE THOUGH as you may find out. females do tend to die after birth, its pretty mutual, at that place isnt anything that can be done about this peculiarly.

HOPEFULLY we tin can one mean solar day breed a guppy then perfect it's lifespan with be unstopable :)

Fishastics, if your female guppies are kept in cycled, clean tanks with adequate h2o changes there is no reason for them to die afterwards giving birth. Information technology is Not normal and usually indicates an issue with h2o quality in the tank or some other trouble with how the fish are being kept such equally over crowding, poor feeding practices, stress during dropping fry, or other issues.
I have many Endlers and guppies for years and NONE accept died after giving birth!! In fact, most of them alive up to ii or three years and have no problems birthing multiple fry.



6 years agone

👍 Practiced for you keeping a fish that is NOT a guppy. Endlers or not a guppy at all. they are part of the same subspecies but are not a Existent guppy, they are a wil course of live bearer. i accept been breeding guppies and many other fish for MANY of years, i hateful many! Guppies do dice after giving nativity no affair how well the tank is cycled. I've had my guppy tank for 13 years! yes xiii. i know what im doing and my prize baby are sold to pet stores effectually ontario, canada. Female guppies dice when giving birth considering of an genetic disfunction, the birthing is much to stressfull and most of the time causes death. Withal, not every time, every bit younger guppies tend to drop six times before dieing and it isn't something that tin be solved. PLEASE don't brainwash me about my profession.

I have 32 tanks set up within my house. 2 of them are chiclids which are rather new. 15 are adult guppy tanks. 5 are fry tanks for guppies. and the rest are a mix of fry tanks and live bearers.

i know what i am doing. and It IS 100% normal.
Endlers do non have this genetic issue equally they are not 100% guppy they are more forth the lines of thirty-40% guppy. they can however breed with female guppies. ASwell Endlers only come in 3 variety of colours. while guppies come in thousands an more being discovered each day. also, they are well-nigh one-half an inch smaller than the average guppy and never become any bigger, EVER. while guppies are anywhere from 1 inch to iii inches.

Please note that pet stores, unless locally owned no **** all about the health and care of fish and anything they accept told you is bull. NEVER listen to a pet smart fish representive, they dont know in that location heads from the ****'south.

but thanks for trying to enlighten me on my whole lifes piece of work.

😋 🎓

nyleve avatar


half dozen years ago

I am pretty certain I know what my Endlers are, they are N-form originally from a annals breeder and not from pet stores.
Also, my "regular" guppies practice not dice from dropping fry either.
But, I am not getting into a who knows best contest here, I am simply pointing out that guppies dying from giving nativity is Non normal, at least in my tanks it is not, nor is it with my other fish keeping aquaintances.

shyhalo avatar


vi years ago

☹️ about 6 years agone i used to breed fancy guppies, and I never had 1 die from giving birth either. 😖



6 years agone

😁 😄 Thats good. Like i said to the other guy. IT'South Mutual doesn't mean it happens all the time. its possible you lot got lucky and yours mixed genes with an endler. The convenance program im apart of here in canada are trying to eliminate this gene from the fish entirely. Nosotros are making progress, as my females are lasting a lot long and some only dieing from quondam age. You dont see this problem if y'all take only a hand full of guppies, but the more than you accept the more you encounter that Awful cistron announced. Soon though, soon the gene will be eradicated.



half-dozen years ago

😲 Non all female person guppies dice after birth I accept had mine for a long time with 3 gens.



6 years ago

Yea actually my female guppy just had AT Least half-dozen more later on I only found i a month ago. I'1000 saying at least because the others I'm certain ate the other fry if there were any more than but I check pretty often. Anyways she seems perfectly fine but tbh I make clean the tank almost every week sometimes I let 2 weeks go by simply I put in something that makes the tap water safe for them.



six years ago

Y'all should e'er put in water conditioner. Chlorine is toxic to guppies and it can kill them. But irresolute the water doesn't do annihilation about this.



6 years agone

I in fact work for Petsmart and have several tanks.
I inform our pet parents about fish. No I don't know EVERYTHING simply just considering we work at Petmart does not mean we don't know what we are doing. I enquiry so much for my chore and my tanks. I work very difficult to get the knowledge to our petparents almost what I have learned and what I have read about. Some Petsmarts practise take some pet care people that bs it, only some however do work really hard at their job. Either fashion Everyone should practice their own research with every fish, plant, reptile, and small animals that that they desire to own. Please practise not say nosotros don't know ****. Some of us actually try really hard to inform people and not but bs information technology.

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half dozen years ago

My guppy died after giving nascence. Good to know it's not something I did or didn't exercise.



6 years ago

In response to the question first..

All of my fry started to get their blackness marks at 8-15 days one-time. Colours took some other calendar week to begin developing...
And their colours became more pronounced with patterns with fourth dimension. Some of my males didn't commencement getting bodily colour until 6 weeks.

It's strange to see the guppy mothers are dying later on nativity... My two little sweets which I had bought from a pet shop have been doing quite well, with no birthing issues and then far.



6 years ago

I brood my guppies and my females take all had at least two lots of fry and are fine. 😊 it could just be the blood line of the ones you buy. Mine could be from a healthier blood line. 😊 it is a shame that you lot accept problems with yours when breeding. ☹️



five years ago

None of my guppies have died later on birthing. They are guppies not endlers or hybrids either. I'd say there is too many ch inbreeding in your tanks or as said higher up a h2o problem.

Jaded avatar


five years ago

It might be you're all right, except yous are making rules for all from narrow feel.
Well-nigh large tailed fancy guppies are very inbred. I can see a lethal factor developing genetically that would lead to females dying after one drop. Linebred prove guppies are mode bigger than their wild ancestors - sometimes three times the size. I'm not a fan of big tailed mutants, so I oasis't kept them since I was a kid. I oasis't seen these deaths, or heard of them, but they brand sense. I imagine if the developed is bigger, the fry are bigger.
To be a guppy, you have to be Poecilia reticulata (an endler'southward is Poecilia wingei). I keep wild type guppies an acquaintance nerveless behind her family unit habitation in Trinidad. I am probably into my 8th or ninth year with them, and have never lost females to the i driblet affair. Just these are not inbred show guppies - these are vigorous fish out of the wild.
Endler's are likewise less inbred, although the show Classes/pedigrees are a start.

So whether yous lose females afterwards one driblet or not probably comes from the caste of inbreeding.



five years ago

Well said. Too, water parameters and nutrition like 1 other said, play an important role. If yous all really wanted to know, ask Siri or google. Your personal feel is no match for the world web and experienced breeders or only past the pple who work actually hard in researching and putting in the work involved in perfect perameters for these beautiful fish. There's no sense in bashing.

Pushing back on colors: I have a beautiful pair at their third generation offspring. The eldest reaching the 6 week mark. I'm glad to have found this thread considering I was getting worried that the lfs gave me a common female. I am reassured by you all.

Cheers a bunch



4 years agone

I take female guppies that have had many fry and are notwithstanding live and kicking.

Suesblues avatar


4 years ago

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4 years ago

Thanks, I just put some fry in the developed tank. Why was my male fry getting picked at and the girl was not?



iv years ago

Correct, I know this thread is very quondam just I must chime in for the sake of anybody reading this thread.

Information technology is possible and not uncommon for guppies to die later giving nativity. Sometimes it is down to poor h2o quality, other times it's completely out of your control.

Like what has already been mentioned, different guppies have unlike amounts of inbred genes. The more than 'fancy' a guppy is the more inbred it is, or rather the more inbred genes information technology carries. Obviously, inbreeding decreases the quality of genes and the specimen and does so in many means. I of these ways can exist how the female gives birth. If the strength or integrity of the abdominal and uterine muscles is degraded through inbreeding then it can pb to troubles giving birth.

If the abdominal muscles aren't strong or tough enough to suffer the contractions that push the fry out they could pull and rupture. This would apparently crusade internal haemorrhage and severe muscle damages that either kill the fish or they later get infected and the fish dies. I think this happened to i of my yellow half-blacks, after giving birth her peduncle became disassociated with the residue of her trunk somewhat and she couldn't swim properly anymore. The next day she couldn't swim at all. I think what had happened is that her muscles weren't durable enough to endure the contractions and they were pulled.

If the female person's uterine muscles aren't strong plenty to laissez passer fry properly, they could terminate up violent themselves autonomously while she's giving birth. This would obviously cause her to internally bleed to death.

What could cause the muscles to weaken like this? Inbreeding. What species is inbred a lot? Guppies.

The more inbred a guppy is, the more than probable it is to die of frybirth. My sunset micariffs have a much higher likelihood of killing themselves through frybirth than my red-blue tuxedo females, who clearly take a more mixed genetic groundwork (I think anyway). Age can besides be a factor, if a guppy isn't fully grown it has a college chance of ripping information technology's small and underdeveloped uterine muscles to pieces through frybirth. I currently have two small-scale sub-developed sunset micariff females who are definitely old enough to become pregnant. They really are not big plenty to become meaning however and I'thou hoping they don't dice. Information technology's a calendar month abroad yet though so hopefully they will have grown a bit by then to the point of safety. If a female is former it'southward muscles might naturally be too weak to pass fry correctly and could rip and pull them. They might not die but they'll certainly injure themselves.

In decision, information technology is kind of normal for guppies to die of childbirth, and information technology's usually down to inbred genes that lead to weak muscles. If you want strong and capable females stick to more than basic types that aren't as inbred and genetically weak every bit the more 'fancy' ones. In all honesty I prefer my sunset snakeskin male to the massive-tailed orange one-half-black dumbo ear males yous run across in YT videos. It just looks really unnatural and overdone to me. Of course, perfect water quality and a practiced diet will assist females stay strong and capable of frybirth, but sometimes they are so inbred that there's nothing y'all can practice.

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Brian Russell avatar


4 years ago

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